• What is HOSA?

    Mountain Ridge HOSA chapter is a Career and Technical Student Association (CTSO) aligned with the Project Lead The Way Biomedical Science Program.

    •  Member of Arizona and National HOSA-Future Health Care Professionals Organizations. 

    What does HOSA do?

    HOSA members will have the opportunity to participate in:

    • leadership activities
    • community service events
    • educational activities
    • fundraising activities 
    • knowledge/skills competitions

    Who can join?

    • Current and former Project Lead The Way Biomedical Sciences Program students are eligible to join. 

    Why join a club or organization?

    •  Organizations and clubs are an excellent opportunity to be involved in Mountain Ridge and the surrounding community. 
  • How do I apply?
    • Application information will be shared during the Biomedical Sciences classes for current students
    • Former Biomedical Sciences students please get in touch with Mrs. Rodgers at kim.rodgers@dvusd.org 
    • HOSA requires state and national membership dues
    MRHS HOSA Meeting Information
    • Members will receive meeting dates through HOSA Canvas Course Inbox messages
    • Meeting information will be posted on the HOSA Canvas Course after the meeting

    Helpful Links 


    Tax Credit

    Tax Credits proving funding for student activities and learning opportunities.

    Please consider donating to Mountain Ridge HOSA by clicking the picture.  You will be directed to the 好色导航Tax Credit webpage.



    Contact Mountain Ridge HOSA








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