    Annabelle InPower Dream Big Scholarship
    Criteria:  Senior High school students whose dream is to become a teacher, social worker, therapist, or psycholgist.
    Award:  $500
    Application:  Selected students must be nominated (only one nominee from BCHS).  Students are to complete a self-nomination application
                        and have on file with the Counseling Department no later than March 7th.
    Arizona CPA Foundstion for Education and Innovation
    Criteria:  Seniors who plan to enroll in an Arizona university or community college and pursue a degree in Accounting. 
    Award:  $500
    Deadline:  February 12th
    Application:  Available in the Counseling Department
    Aspiring Animation Profession Scholarship

    Criteria:  Senior high school students who are interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited post-secondary school or college.

    Award:  $1,000



    Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship

    Criteria:  Senior high school students that are interested in pursuing a fashion degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college.

     Award:  $1,000

     Deadline:  June 1st



    Aspiring Pharmacy Technician Scholarship Program


    Criteria:  Senior high school students who are interested in pursuing a pharmacology career path at an accredited post-secondary school or college.

     Award:  $1,000

     Deadline:  June 1st




    AES Engineering Scholarship

    Award:  $500

    Deadline: September 16th

    Application: Students will submit an essay on one of the two topics that appear on the scholarship page of our web site  


    Washington Crossing Foundation

    Criteria:High school seniors who are planning careers in government service are welcomed to apply.

    Award: $1,000 to $5,000

    Deadline: January

    Application:  Visit the website for more information: 


    Buick Achievers Scholarship Program

    Criteria: Seniors who plan to major in one of the following:  Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, or Design and are interested in a career in the automotive or related industry.

    Award: up to $25,000

    Deadline: February


    American Chemical Society Scholars Program
    Criteria: African-American, Hispanic, Latino or American Indian High School students planning to pursue full-time study in a chemically-related field with outstanding academic records and a desire to pursue a career in the chemical sciences.
    Award: Varies
    Deadline:  March 1st


    Nucor Foundation -  Community Scholarship
    Criteria:  Senior students who are pursuing degree in engineering or metallurgy.
    Award:  $3,200
    Deadline:  March 1st
    Society for American Military Engineers (SAME) Scholarship

    Criteria: Selection will be based on scholastic achievements, distinguished leadership ability, community service and written essay.  Student shall be recommended by school faculty or member of the post.

    Award:1-$5,000   1-$3,000 and 2- $1,500

    Deadline: April 25th

    Information: For students interested, please pick up an application packet in the Counseling Department.

    Sharon Heikkinen Memorial Scholarship

    Criteria: High school seniors who are planning careers in healthcare and have maintained a 2.0 GPA.


    Deadline: April 16th

    Application: Students can pick up an application from the Counseling Department.


    Hair Academy of Safford Scholarship


    Criteria:  Students need to apply for scholarship and are awarded on first-come, first-served basis.

    Award: $1,000 to attend Hair Academy of Safford

    Information :


    BHHS Legacy Foundation (DVEF)

    Criteria: Students who are interested in pursuing health care careers and currently registered for AP and/or Dual Enrollment courses and demonstrate a financial need.

    Award:  Grant to help cover the cost of AP Fees and/or Dual Enrollment Tuition.

    Deadline:  September 12th

    Information: Students can get an application from their AP and/or Dual Enrollment or pick one up from the Counseling Department..