• Genre




    • Adventure
        • Stories with exciting activity
        • May include spies
        • Presents an obstacle that is resolved



    • Animal Fiction
        • Has talking animals
        • Animals act like people
        • May be stories about kids and their pets



    • Fantasy
        • Has a magical element
        • Has magical/mythical characters
        • Includes good versus evil



    • Historical Fiction
        • Historical People and events in a story possibly with some fictitious characters
        •  Can be distinguished from non-fiction by the inclusion of conversations with quotes (i.e. he said, she said)



    • Horror
        • Exceptionally scary stories



    • Humorous Fiction
        • Funny stories



    • Mystery
        • Whodunit stories
        • May include a crime and investigation
        • May be a question to be answered
        • Includes suspense and climax



    • Realistic Fiction
        • Made-up stories taking place in modern times
        • Normally involving family, friends and/or relationships
        • Stories could happen
        • Stories that helps us learn about ourselves


    • Scary Stories
        • Suspenseful, but not as scary as horror



    • Science Fiction
        • Futuristic stories dealing with technology and/or space






    • Biography-
        • Book about a person or group of persons



    • Folklore
        • Fairy tales, Fables, Myths, Legends



    • Informational
        • Describing a topic



    • Poetry
        • Verse