    Material Items and support needed for 2020-21
    • Tax Credit donations field trip, travel, and music expenses /taxcredit 
    • Clorox and/or baby wipes
    • AA batteries, AAA batteries
    • Assorted color electrical tape
    • 1'' inch blue painters tape
    • Tissues
    • Tiny screw drivers for instrument repairs
    • Pencils

    Dear Titan Families,

    The new school year will be launching in August and we will be experiencing the joy of making music. Thank you for your support, and particularly for encouraging your child to continue their study of music. This investment of time, effort and energy will produce lifelong dividends.

    Throughout the year you will be receiving communications regarding upcoming concerts and other pertinent information. I also will be sending you compelling research data about the importance of music study in the development of your child. The world of education is in a constant evolution and you, as a responsible and concerned parent, must be apprised of the latest information gleaned from research studies. This information will aid you in helping your child make wise choices that are certain to benefit their future.

    Evidence continues to focus on the arts (music) as a vital component in the positive growth of every child. For years we have pointed to the music students as those who have demonstrated a special talent. However, based on extended studies we now know it is the very process of learning music that develops the artistic mind and brings forth the creative potential in all young people. For this reason, continued membership in our musical family is strongly encouraged.It is a privilege to have your child as a valued musician in our organization. Thank you for your support of music education at Terramar Academy of the Arts. You play an important role in everything we''ll be able to do. Welcome to our new school year!


    Kimberly Terrell