• How do the two programs work together?


    Do I have to choose between mandarin and SAGE once my child starts 3rd grade if he/she has qualified for gifted services but is also in the immersion program?


    First of all I am a huge supporter of the Mandarin Immersion Program and a believer in foreign language acquisition. Both are immensely beneficial to the gifted student population and a wonderful way to develop new brain pathways and connection than could be applied to all learning areas in the future.

    The gifted and immersion programs at Gavilan Peak do not compete but complement each other, in other words, your children will participate in both and you do not have to opt out of either program. Gifted students who are in the immersion program will be clustered into one classroom as of 3rd grade, for example class A .In the morning when class A receives instruction in English for reading and social studies, the reading gifted students will see me for a class period for accelerated/enriched reading instruction while the homeroom students receive on grade level reading instruction .They will then return to class for the rest of the morning to participate in more reading activities . As they switch for their immersion part of the day, the other half of the day taught in mandarin math/science, gifted math students will see me for a math period(about 45 minutes) of accelerated/enriched math instruction and activities while the rest of the class receives on grade level math instruction in mandarin. Then, students will return to class and participate in mandarin math alongside their peers for the rest of the instruction period which is another 30 minutes (this will be the more guided, independent practice, centers part of math). This way they receive accelerated instruction from me while their peers receive on grade level instruction and then continue the mandarin side of math instruction for 30 more minutes which for them will be practicing the math in mandarin as well as on level math skill practice.


    How does the mandarin Immersion Program and the Gifted Cluster work for K-2 students?



    Grade Level



    Gifted Services Provided



    Description Of Services






    *Gifted Cluster Placement



    All gifted students are clustered together with a gifted trained teacher for the majority of the school day.



    Reading: enrichment activities and literature, tiered centers and small group instruction.



    Math: enrichment activities/acceleration.



    Grades 1-2



    *Gifted Cluster Placement



    All gifted students are clustered together with a gifted trained teacher for the majority of the school day.



    Reading: enrichment activities and literature, tiered centers and small group instruction. Literature studies and Junior Grade Books.



    Math: pretesting/compacting grade level content, enrichment and acceleration.In 2nd grade students will be given opportunities to accelerate into 3rd grade curriculum as they show readiness to more forward.

    Mandarin Immersion Math-challenge is provided through math instruction in a foreign language.In 2nd grade students will be given the opportunity to accelerate into 3rd grade curriculum as they show readiness to move forward.