• famkidsfield dayDisneyland Trip 2014        family       bff   my girl
      Hello! My name is Mrs. April Smith. This is my 25th year teaching in the Deer Valley District and I am proud to be a Sierra Verde Viper. I love teaching and am excited for the 2024-2025 school year.   

      I am a mother of 4 wonderful children. My husband and I have been married for twenty-eight years. Our oldest daughter graduated from ASU, just like her mom and dad. Our three boys play soccer. Although we love the warm weather, our favorite hobby is snowboarding. We love to vacation anywhere it snows. One of our most memorable snowboarding trips was to Big Bear in California. We also enjoy hiking, reading, going to the movies, and spending time with our family. 

      We are blessed to have a close family.  Grandmas and Grandpas, aunts and uncles, and many cousins all live in Arizona.  We have a number of family traditions, such as celebrating the Fourth of July, swimming at Grandma's, Christmas with Grandpa dressed up as Santa, and hunting for Easter eggs with our cousins. 
      I was born and raised in Arizona.  I enjoy traveling and hope to see all 50 states before I turn 50.  So far, I have visited 32 states.  I have some work to do!