•  About Me

    "We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.  Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit."  
    -- e. e. cummings


    Mrs. Chesbro  

    Hello. I’m Mrs. Chesbro. You and I will be a part of Sierra Verde’s 7th grade Language Arts experience. Together, we’ll discover great literature, learn the power of the written word, and capture a vision of our future. Learning is fun!  So, plan to challenge your active vocabulary this year.  You will never look at words – and life – the same way again.

    I was born in Arizona — an actual native — and have lived here all my life.  I had an incredible Jr. High English teacher who helped me understand my talents, and inspired me to pursue a life of learning. I graduated from ASU and took a job teaching Junior High English in a small rural cotton farming community with a one-school district.  I discovered that teaching was not just a job, but also a calling.

    The same year I began teaching, I married my husband John.  We have a bouncy boy named Buckley — who happens also to have fur, a tail and a wet nose. I love to travel and count Britain, Italy, Mexico, Hawaii and Alaska among my favorite places to visit.  I love to read, hike, sit in my garden, and throw a ball for our furry child. 

    I am on the board of an organization called Arizona Educational Foundation. I get to visit excellent schools and give them a grade of A+ for being great places to learn, and for making a difference for kids. I absolutely love being part of the Viper Family!  I’m looking forward to being your Language Arts teacher this year. Life is a grand adventure.