• Physical Education Requirements


    • Students are required to wear PE clothes during the activity portion of the class. This includes a Diamond Canyon T-shirt, appropriate athletic shorts, socks and athletic shoes that are tied properly. If the student has a DC shirt from a previous year that fits there is no need to purchase a new one. The shirts will be sold by Diamond Canyon PTA. If there is a financial please let me know and we can work together to find a solution.
    • Students are required to do absent make-up work when they miss PE class.


    • Students who are excused from any physical activity in class will be required to do a written assignment.


    • Students are required to participate in all activities both inside the classroom and out on the field to the best of their ability.


    • Students are required to treat all school personnel, other students and visitors with respect.


    • Students are required to come to class with a positive attitude, ready to learn, have fun and positively impact all those they encounter.