    Sign up for Remind!
    Remind is a mobile messaging platform for educators.  This enables me to send text reminders to students and parents for assignments, due dates, tests, etc.  I also use it for field trips to coordinate everyone.  I try to use it sparingly so that when you do receive messages from me, they will be important and relevant.
    This is how Remind works.  Each of my classes has a different number for you to register with.  Both Parents and Students can register for text messages.  Once registered you can receive texts.
    Ceramics 1-2: Text @mrhsclay to the number 81010
    Ceramics 3-4: Text @clay3-4 to the number 81010
    Ceramics 5-6:    Text @clay5-6 to 81010
    Ceramics Portfolio: Text @claymr to 81010