     2024-2025 Class Schedule M-Th:

    8:45-9:15 Writing

    9:15-9:30 Recess

    9:30-11:00 Reading (Whole Group + Small Group)

    11:00-11:25 RTI (General Small Groups)

    11:25-12:10 Lunch

    12:10-1:30 (Whole Group + Small Group)

    1:30-2:45 Science and Social Studies

    2:45-3:30 Specials (T/Th-PE; T/F-Music; W-Art; Full Day Friday-Art)

    2024-2025 Class Schedule 2:00pm Early Release Fridays:

    Our schedule is basically the same, except Art being from 10:15-11:00.

    1:30-2:00 will be reserved for finishing outstanding Science or Social Studies assignments.