

     NOTE: Not all of these apply but you can get the idea!

    Sprague Classroom Procedures Q and A

    These are the most often asked questions by students and my answers.  However procedures change with each new group as needed.


    How, and When do I pack up to leave?

    Put assignment back in binder and replace

    Put back borrowed materials

    Clean up table and floor around you

    Push in chair

    This changes from day to day, I will tell U


    Do We Line up?

    Never – stay seated or stand at your table until you are dismissed.


    When can I enter the room?

    When you are invited in by myself or the "Pig Protector" Please, for your safety do not just walk in the room.


    How do I prepare for class each day?

    Get out planner, look at the board for direction of learning experience, pull out materials, pull out previous work if applicable, review Elements of Literature and Literary Devices pages.


    What if I don’t have my tools for class?

    Just ask - I have what you need.


    Where can I get paper?

    Basketsin the front of the room.


    When can we stand up and stretch?

    Whenever you are working independently or in a team and the entire team agrees.


    What If I forget to get materials and you started class?

    Do it quickly and quietly

    Note: I will keep talking and teaching


    How do you get our attention?

     I will usually count down from 5


    How do we get yours?

    Stand up quietly, come to me whether I am moving around or sitting somewhere in the room, please, do NOT call out your question - - it disrupts learning.


    When can we snack?

    Since we have lunch at 11:30 there will be no snack time.


    Can we chew gum?

    Never – this is a Gum Free campus


    When can we listen to music?

    Not usually

    Never when you are reading, completing Membean, or during direction instruction

    BUT ask each time you want this privilege, I may or may not agree.


    What if I need a tissue?

    Get up quietly and locate the nearest box.


    What if I get a bloody nose?

    Grab tissues and lock eyes with me and go directly to the bathroom – wait for someone to open door if it is shut


    What if I have allergies and/or a cold?

    Grab the box and garbage can but remember to return at the end of class and wash your hands.


    When can I get up to sharpen my pencil, get a drink, ETC.?

    Whenever you are working independently


    What do I do & Where do I go during emergency drills?

    Drop everything IF the intercom states it's a drill or if I say go.

    Fire: Go straight out the classroom door – do not go out 7th grade door

    LockDown: Front of room  LockOut: continue working- I lock door and we work silently


    Can we sit where we want?

     96.9 percent of the time

     You’re disruptive – I move you

      If you are working in a team and team members are disruptive – I move them

      Class is disruptive – I move all of you


    What do I do when I have to use the bathroom before or during class?

    Before – Go during class switch times before I begin class - after you set your backpack down

    In emergency, if I’m Talking – lock eyes, point to door – sign out

    During Team or Independent Work– lock eyes and sign out


    Do we have jobs?

    I would appreciate it, but only if you want them and we responsible - just ask


    What do we do if we have a guest teacher?

    Greet politely, - fold back planner for name tag - follow whatever they say and/or ask you to do

    - help them


    When, and How do I earn Extended Recess?

    On 1 to 2 Days each month

    Complete all 好色导航work, Follow Team Awesome Constitution and School Rules and Guidelines


    How do I LABEL my work?

    Name  in right-hand corner

    Title of assignment on top line – centered


    How do I turn in my work?

    Check for name, dates, time stamps

    ABC order last name


    What happens If my work is at home or incomplete? ?

    Create a cover sheet: Write your name on a piece of paper, date you will turn in – no more than three days


    How do I turn in my late work?

    Find the original cover sheet and staple to work, place in Late Work bin on the counter


    How, when, and by who is our work assessed?


    Short assignments: 24-48 hrs       Long: 1 week or more

    Mrs. Sprague, you, peers, your folks


    What do I do for 好色导航work?

    Read – 75-100 pages each week AND

    Membean Vocabulary – 2x week 15-20 minutes AND

    Memorization as needed


    When, How, and for How Long do I check out one of your books and return?

    Before class, during Independent Work, before and after school

    Checkout: Use card write your name, book title and date         

    Check in: return to correct shelf or basket then write date on card and return to me

    Two to three weeks depending on length 


    What if I lose or destroy a book?

    Tell me quick, look for about a week and replace it


    How do I know what I missed when I was absent?

    Go to the Canvas and complete,

    Note: Need help? Make an appointment with Mrs. S in person or Zoom


    When is my absent work due?

    93.9% 2 days

    Sometimes you will have more time

    Sometimes you will need to complete ASAP


    How do I earn a Cookie?

    Complete homework

     Random acts of kindness and/or brilliance


    How do I earn a Starbucks?

    Complete homework   


    Small kindnesses to others







Last Modified on July 30, 2022