Visual Arts

    Colorful art pieceOld Lady Looking at art
    In 好色导航students are required to take Visual Arts in grades K-6.   Students may choose art as an elective in grades 7-8. 

    Grade level expectations for students in 好色导航in Art Grades K-8  

    The standards for kindergarten serve as building blocks for further visual arts instruction. The standards place emphasis on cognitive, affective, sensory, and motor development, using a problem-solving approach. Students will learn that art is a personal expression, has value, teaches about other times and places, and connects in important ways to other areas of learning. Students will understand that their works of art are unique and valuable as self-expression.


    In 好色导航students are required to have 1 credit of Fine Arts.  All of these courses will satisfy that requirement.
    High School Courses

    This course gives the students an overview of the basic fundamentals of design. It includes such areas as tools and techniques, media applications, painting, and graphics on art history.

    CERAMICS 1-2
    This course will teach the basic techniques used in hand building and wheel construction of clay.

    CERAMICS 3-4
    This course reinforces those skills and techniques used in Ceramics 1-2. Emphasis will be on both hand building and wheel techniques. PREREQUISITE: Ceramics 1-2 or Placement Criteria

    This course will review the elements of design. The student will work with leather, jewelry, clay, weaving, and various mixed media projects.  PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Art or Placement Criteria

    DRAWING 1-2
    This course teaches the basic techniques of drawing through the use of pencil sketching, pen and ink, colored pencils, charcoal and pastels.   PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Art or Placement Criteria

    DRAWING 3-4
    This course offers exposure to drawing techniques. It is designed for students who wish to further their studies in pastels, pen and ink, pencil, mixed media, etc. PREREQUISITE: Drawing 1-2

    PAINTING 1-2
    Students will paint in acrylic, watercolor and oil, with an emphasis on design elements and principles. Color theory and art history will be explored. PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Art or Placement Criteria

    PAINTING 3-4
    Students will be working in advanced painting techniques. An emphasis on individual style will be explored. PREREQUISITE: Painting 1-2

    This course is designed for students who are sequentially building their critical thinking skills and techniques in two-dimensional and three-dimensional art. It will provide opportunities for students to explore their abilities to transmit forceful and meaningful ideas in a variety of media while investigating artists from other cultures.

    This course will emphasize broadening skills in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art techniques, expanding student critical thinking and interpretation skills, and exploring art as a means of expression and cultural identity throughout the world.   PREREQUISITE: Studio Art I

    This course will serve students who want to explore photography as an art form and for those interested in creative careers. Advanced students will have an opportunity to submit their portfolios in AP Studio Art: 2D Design. PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Art or Placement Criteria

    This is an advanced class designed for students who wish to work on a contracted, individualized basis. Students will prepare portfolios for college and/or job interview. This course is aligned to ART 111 at the community college and is available for dual enrollment credit at some sites. Community college tuition applies.   PREREQUISITE: Intro to Art or Placement Criteria

    This advanced class is for students who wish to work in any three-dimensional area on a contracted, individualized basis. Students will prepare portfolios for college and/or job interview. PREREQUISITE: Intro to Art or Placement Criteria

    The Drawing Portfolio is intended to address a very broad interpretation of drawing issues and media. Line quality, light and shade, rendering of form, composition, surface manipulation, the illusion of depth and mark-making are drawing issues that can be addressed through a variety of means, which could include painting, printmaking, mixed media, etc. Enrolled students are expected to take the AP exam.     PREREQUISITE: Drawing 3-4 or Placement Criteria

    The principles of design (unity/variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, figure/ground relationships) can be articulated through the visual elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, space). For this portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate mastery of 2-D design through any two-dimensional medium or process, including, but not limited to, graphic design, digital imaging, photography, collage, fabric design, weaving, fashion design, fashion illustration, painting and printmaking. Video clips, DVDs, CDs and three-dimensional works may not be submitted. However, still images from videos or films are accepted. Enrolled students are expected to take the AP exam.  PREREQUISITE: 2-D Portfolio or Placement Criteria

    In the 3-D Design Portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of design principles as they relate to the integration of depth and space, volume and surface. The principles of design can be articulated through visual elements. For this portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate mastery of 3-D design through any three-dimensional approach, including, but not limited to, figurative or nonfigurative sculpture, architectural models, metal work, ceramics, glass work, installation, assemblage and 3-D fabric/fiber arts. Enrolled students are expected to take the AP exam. PREREQUISITE: 2-D Portfolio or Placement Criteria

    Team Leads  
    K-6: Kathy JamiolkowskiBellair 
    High School: Carl Wilfong, Mountain Ridge HS