2024 - 2025 Regular Day Schedule

  • Regular Schedule

Friday 90 Minute Early Release Schedule

  • 90 Min Schedule

Backpack Organizational Tips

  • Take 好色导航 Folder - A folder to bring completed work home in.  Make sure it's in your backpack everyday.


?Welcome Letter and What to Expect?

  • Dear 4th Grade Titan Parents, 

    Hello from the 4th Grade Team!  We would like to inform you of a few things that are on our website and what to expect from each subject this year.  Please take a few minutes to read this and check out our website.  /te-4thgrade 

    Our website will be updated either each week or when a new unit starts.  So you can always see what students are learning in each subject.  We will send an email with the link to our website and any important news at the beginning of each week.  Please note the following on our website:

    • 4th Grade Syllabus, which is linked on the main page and permanently on the Parents Page.  This contains a lot of information about policies from our school as well as other important information.

    • Assignment Reminders is linked on the left hand side of our site.  We are not using Planners this year, as much of the work is done in class.  This list will remind students of any work that should be completed or they could be working on.

    • Teacher Contact information is on the right hand side of site.  

    • Specials Schedule is linked on the left hand side of site.  Students were shown this so they know what days we have specials.  Please make sure sneakers are worn for PE days.

    • On the Parents and Student Pages you can find the daily schedule for each homeroom.

    What to expect in Math

    iReady is our newly adopted math curriculum.  There is a workbook that will stay at school.  The online portion of the curriculum is accessed through Clever.  Students will be shown how to get to this.  This will be where students will take quizzes, do fact practice and complete practice work and access math games.

    During the school day:

    • iReady lessons are broken down into “sessions.”  Each lesson contains three to five sessions with a quiz that follows. 

    • 8 minute Daily fact practice online, this is called “Fluency Flight.”

    • 45 minutes of “My Path.”  This is online as well.  After students take their Diagnostic Test, the system will provide students with personalized lessons and practice on skills they need to become proficient in.  

    • 好色导航work pages will be started in class.

         At home Practice:

    • Finish any incomplete assignments from the school day

    • Fact practice can always be done if students need more practice.

    What to expect in Reading

         During the school day:

    • Weekly Assignments/assessments based on current standard

    • Daily Vocabulary and foundational skills practice

    • Comprehension practice

         At home Practice:

    • Finish any incomplete assignments from the school day

    • Read for 20 minutes a day (any book of choice)

    • Practice Cursive at home daily (many apps to use to make it more fun)

    What to expect in Writing 

    During the school day:

    • Weekly assignments

    • Daily grammar practice

    • RACER practice

    • Typing practice (30 minutes a week)

    At home Practice:

    • Finish any incomplete assignments from the school day

    • Practice Cursive at home daily (many apps to use to make it more fun)

    • Typing club if you didn’t meet your 30 minutes for the week

    What to expect in Social Studies 

    During the school day:

    • Weekly assignments

    • Reinforcement of reading and writing standards within our units

    • Projects

    At home Practice:

    • Finish any incomplete assignments from the school day

    • Discussions of current events at home with your child. Maybe something you saw on the news or read that’s happening in our world

    What to expect in Science 

    During the school day:

    • Lessons are posted in Canvas.  This contains the lesson with internet links to resources.

    • Quizzes and Tests are also done and scored in Canvas.  Grades are then converted using the district rubric and posted in PowerSchools.  Retakes will be available in Canvas as well.

    At home Practice:

    • Study for tests when there is a study guide.

    Please email us any questions or concerns that you might have.  We will respond within 24 hours. 


Parents Checklist for Student Success

  • Parents who are genuinely interested in their children's school progress can provide help at home and through school. An article in American Education suggests the following helpful hints. (This is a partial list.)
    We will:
    • Check assignment book and homework carefully to see if, and how well, it is completed.
    • Keep regular communication with the teacher.
    • Expect good work from your child because you will get largely what you expect.
    • Support what the school is trying to do for your child.
    • Realize that excellence at school must begin at home.
    • Require child to redo sloppy work.
    • Praise every improvement and honest attempt.
    • Determine to help your child establish good study habits and stick to that determination.
    • Encourage good study habits at home.
    • Recognize your child's efficiency in using study time at home.
    Encourage... Support... Reinforce...