

    I believe in positive incentives and discipline, therefore, I have designed my classroom

    discipline around the word "STAR" an acronym for "Stop, Think, Act Responsibly!"

    STAR encourages mutual respect and revolves around the lifelong guidelines of:

    ·        · Be Trustworthy

    ·        · Be Truthful

    ·        · Listen Attentively

    ·        · No Put-Downs

    ·        · Do Your Personal Best

    As an example of a positive incentive, I will keep a "smiley face" on the board. 

    Students "caught" being good citizens by exhibiting LIFESKILLS or following Lifelong Guidelines

    may write their names under the "smiley face" and receive a raffle ticket. 

    Every Friday a ticket will be drawn and a prize may be chosen from our Treasure Tub

    (donations are welcome and appreciated:~). 



    Behavior goals and expectations help create a classroom community where children feel

    comfortable in expressing themselves positively and responsibly. All students are expected

    to display behaviors that reflect the LIFESKILLS® and Lifelong Guidelines.

    To help the students achieve the desired behaviors, a system based on clearly-established

    choices and consequences will be used.  The following are our classroom rules:

    RULE 1:   Respect and be kind to others.

    RULE 2:   Listen to and follow directions the first time. 

    RULE 3:  Raise your hand and wait politely to speak.                        

                             RULE 4:  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.                         

    RULE 5:  Stay on task and complete work.

    RULE 6:  Follow cafeteria/playground rules.

    In other words... No one has the right to interfere with the learning and safety of others.

    When necessary, students interfering with another's learning and safety will have a

    consequence based on steps.

    STEP 1:  Sitting in a chair away from the group for a few minutes.

    STEP 2:  Standing without the chair for a few minutes.

    STEP 3:  Standing and reading the reminder classroom rule.

    STEP 4:  Contact parent to discuss behavior. 




    I am here to help your child perform to the best of his or her ability. Please do not

    hesitate to contact me about your child's progress at any time. We do not have to wait

    for a formal conference time to address needs and concerns. I am available to you by

    telephone or voicemail at 623-376-3947 or by email at michelle.abraham@dvusd.org.

    Children learn in a variety of ways (individual, cooperative groups, exploring in centers),

    and I plan to introduce them to a number of learning techniques this year.

    Reading is a major milestone in the life of a first-grade student. A great deal of the

    curriculum will revolve around reading, letter sounds, and writing. Skills introduced in

     Kindergarten such as paper/pencil position, prewriting, organization of information,

    comparing/contrasting, identifying picture clues, predicting, vocabulary, and story retelling

    will be reinforced. New skills such as using beginning, middle, and end in a story, e

    panding/combining sentences, spelling/capitalization, use of apostrophes/prefixes/contractions,

    rhymes, letter sounds, and alphabetical order will be introduced.


    The homework assigned in my class will consist of assignments that reinforce what has

    been learned in class and/or unfinished class work. Unless otherwise specified, homework

    assignments will be posted on line.  Parents will sign the homework form and return each Friday. 

    Since reading is such an important part of the first-grade curriculum, part of each week's

    homework will require that the children read aloud or be read to at least 20 minutes per day.

    Additionally, it is helpful if the children are given the opportunity to experience some silent

    reading time each day.

    Now is the time to develop responsible homework practices. It is helpful if your child has a

    special place to do his/her work and perhaps a special pencil box or homework supplies.


    Children may bring one item from home to share with the class on Fridays. The item they

    choose to bring should be small enough to fit in a cubby. Show and tell is part of our oral

    language development. If we are studying a particular theme (i.e., communities, solar system)

    in class, students are always welcome to share related items at any time.



    Birthdays will be celebrated in class by special recognition and singing. A simple treat that

    conforms to the Maricopa County food guidelines and are peanut and nut-free may be shared

    that day. Please advise me ahead of time if you want to send a snack. 

    Party invitations should NOT be given out at school unless they are given to the whole class.



    I do have a classroom library for the children to use. All of the books are my personal property,

     but I will allow your child to borrow them. They may sign out one book at a time. When they return it,

    they may sign out another. Please take care of them!


    I welcome volunteers in my classroom. Children benefit greatly by having positive

    role models and warm, loving adults around to provide added support. Therefore,

    if you have a little extra time and would like to help with our classroom, please fill

    out the Volunteer Form and return it to me.