• Welcome to 3rd grade!

    Mrs. Cullen  

    Contact Information:

    email:  sara.cullen@dvusd.org

    phone: 623-376-4853

    If you want a meeting, please call/email so we can schedule a time to meet.


    My Story

    This will be my 29th year in public education. I have a BA in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in Early Childhood from ASU West. I started teaching at Desert Winds Elementary, teaching 6th grade and then transferred the following year to Sunrise Elementary to teach 6th grade. After three years with the "big" kids, I decided to go down to where my degree is needed. I spent the next three years teaching 3rd grade at Sunrise Elementary. 

    When I transferred to Sierra Verde STEM Academy, I started in 2nd grade.  I had the great opportunity to loop with my students up to 3rd grade the following year.  I have been teaching 3rd grade ever since!  I spent 9 years at Sierra Verde and enjoyed coaching the sports I used to play in middle school and high school. I coached our 7th and 8th grade girl's volleyball team and softball team. 

    Then, I became a part of the Stetson Hills family for 4 years in 3rd grade. It was a place for me to focus on technology and leadership skills.  It was a great opportunity, but I am glad to be back home at Sierra Verde! This is my 9th year back teaching at Sierra Verde, teaching 3rd grade. I am also the athletic coordinator for our 7th and 8th grade sports. 

    I got married on September 1, 2007 to a VERY wonderful man!! We have two pets. We have had our dog Dottie, which we rescued from a shelter around Christmas a couple of years ago!  She is a cute little black and white Queensland heeler! We also have a cat named Lucky, who we have nicknamed, Chunky!  My husband, Andy, and I are parents to a boy who will be starting 6th grade here at Sierra Verde STEAM School!   

    We love going to the beach either in San Diego or visiting my husband's family in Virginia and staying at Virginia Beach!  We also enjoy watching every Cardinals' football game with my extended family, with all of us wearing our Cardinals gear!!  Go BIG RED!

    My life seems complete with the addition of our son and I LOVE being a mom to him!

  • My Favorites

    Color: red and blue

    Food: Mexican

    Drink: Dr. Pepper

    Sweet Treat: Any candy bars with milk chocoloate (Snickers, Milky Way, Kit Kat, etc.)

    Football Team: Cardinals

    Vacation Spot: any beach

    Hobby: gardening and spending time with my family


    Note: I'm not a coffee/tea drinker, so no Starbucks for this girl. Thank you!

  • Contact Information:

    email:  sara.cullen@dvusd.org

    phone: 623-376-4853

    If you want a meeting, please call/email so we can schedule a time to meet.