Ms. Shade

    1st Grade


    Go Lions!


    Daily Schedule (Monday-Thursday)

    8:00-8:15 Breakfast in the classroom **PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD IN THE ROOM by 8:00 to eat/ by 8:12 if not eating. We start school at 8:15 PROMPTLY! :) 

    8:15-9:15 Reading whole group instruction

    9:15-9:45 Reading Tier 3  

    9:45-10:00 Recess

    10:00-11:00 Math

    11:00-11:20 Math Tier 2

    11:20-11:30 Start Social Studies

    11:30-Recess & Lunch

    12:15-12:50 Writing

    12:50-1:15 MTSS

    1:15-1:30 Social Studies

    1:30-2:15--Special Class (Art, P.E., or Music)

    2:15-2:25 Finish Social Studies

    2:25-2:55 Science

    2:55- Dismissal Starts (2:55 Walkers, 3:00 Car Riders)



    Friday Early Release Schedule:

    8:00-8:15- Breakfast in the classroom **PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD IN THE ROOM by 8:00 to eat/ by 8:12 if not eating. We start school at 8:15 PROMPTLY! :) 

    8:15-9:15- Reading whole group

    9:15- 9:45 Reading Tier 3



    10:25-10:45-Science/Social Studies

    10:45-11:15-Special Class (Art, P.E., or Music)

    11:15-12:15-Math whole group and small group instruction

    12:15-1:00-Recess and Lunch

    1:00-1:20-Science/Social Studies 




    Contact Information:

    I am available via phone, via DoJo messenger, or via email to discuss you or your child's needs. Please schedule specific times to meet with me, as we need time to communicate effectively. I often have professional duties directly before and after school hours. Please understand that I will not be able to meet or discuss issues while I am teaching or supervising students. Messages are responded to within a 24-hour time period (excluding weekends & school holidays). If this matter needs to be addressed more quickly, please call the office at (602) 467-5900

    Office Hours: 7:40-7:55 and 3:10-3:30.

    DoJo: Please sign up for Class DoJo to use as our most common communication needs.

    Class phone:  602-467-5945 

    Email: Kelsey.shade@dvusd.org