

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Mary Vivola M.S. Ed


Hi Jaguar Family!  

My name is Mary Vivola and I teach English Language Arts 5/6 ~ American Literature.

Eighteen years ago, I relocated to Arizona from New York City. My teaching career began in NY after earning my BA from Fordham University and a Master of Science Degree in Education from Brooklyn College. While in NY, I taught as a Special Educator, worked with English Language Learners, trained teachers in the Professional Laboratory Program, served as an adjunct professor at New York University, studied The Writer’s Workshop at Columbia University, and facilitated workshops for parents. I'm proud to say that I have been an educator for over 25 years.

I am a huge fan of Boulder Creek High School. My three youngest children - Ray, Nick, and Mallory - thrived at BCHS. They received unending support from teachers, parents, coaches, counselors, friends, and our dedicated BCHS staff. It's my goal to 'pay-it-forward' by serving BCHS students and families to the best of my abilities. My love for BCHS runs deep. 

My eldest, Laura, resides with my son-in-law and two precious granddaughters in Connecticut. I so appreciate the technology that allows us to communicate often.

I've been married to my husband Larry for thirty-four years. He loves to cook and prepares gourmet dinners for me every night; this keeps him out of the doghouse a lot :) 

Most of my free time is spent laughing with my family, watching basketball games, and supporting students by attending their sporting events and performances. Our Jags are enormously talented. Stop by to chat when you see me in the BC gym or auditorium!

My husband and I love to travel, to experience different cultures, and to prepare meals to share with family and friends. Nothing makes us happier than having loved ones around our dining table. 

My husband and I also love to explore the Arizona terrain via hiking, biking, and ATVs.

Please say 'hi' when you spot me in the local businesses that so selflessly support our BCHS Jags. They add so much to the culture and climate of our school, and I'm so appreciative of their generosity.

My day is always made extra-special when I encounter former and current students contributing to our community in unique and effective ways. Our students are truly remarkable. 

I love a good story, so I often read, especially historical fiction. I also indulge in televised shows, visit the theater and museums, and listen intently to teenagers speak from their hearts; they are so wise and have valuable ideas and experiences to share.

I have a passion for literature, art, and history, which is awesome, because all three tie into the study of American Literature so organically.

I consider myself a life-long learner. It's awesome that there's so much to learn and that it's all so accessible!

I adore Arizona, its hard-working people, its various cultures, its magnificent creatures, its alluring landscape, my friends, my coworkers, and the eclectic, energetic, hilarious, brilliant teenagers in our English 5/6 classroom!  

Let’s have a fun-filled, productive year!