


    Reading with Ms. Harshman and Mrs. Thompson


    This year, your child will embark on an amazing reading journey as they explore genres and strengthen their reading skills all while becoming critical readers.  We always say that reading helps improve understanding in all subject areas and it's definitely true.  We're looking forward to a great year!



     Reading Skills

    • Main Idea and Details

    • Cause and Effect

    • Generalization

    • Literary Elements: Character, Setting, Plot and Theme

    • Fact and Opinion

    • Vocabulary

    • Sequence

    • Graphic Sources

    • Compare and Contrast

    • Draw Conclusions

    • Author’s Purpose



    • Historical Fiction

    • Realistic Fiction

    • Fantasy

    • Informational

    • Classics

    • Sports

    • Free Choice

    • Fairy Tales, Folktales, Legends

    • Biography

    • Animal Stories

    • Mystery

    • Science Fiction

    • Author’s Study

    • Graphic Novel

    • Poetry


    **To help with fluency and comprehension this year, students will be completing a monthly reading log.  We are asking all third graders to read at least 20 minutes every day, Monday - Thursday.  Research has shown that reading just 20 minutes a day, can increase a child's vocabulary to over 1.8 million words in one year's time.  Daily reading will also improve fluency, which is critical to the comprehension of different texts.  We always tell our students that reading affects all subject areas, including understanding those math story problems.  All third grade classes will be visiting the library weekly this year for opportunities to explore different genres.

     In addition, they will be assigned bi-weekly vocabulary words with quizzes beginning in September.