
    Our daily schedule will look like this, however preschool is unpredictable so plans often change and times are not exact
    Morning Schedule
    9:15 Arrival
    9:20-9:40 Playground
    9:45-9:55 Bathroom break
    9:55-10:05 Sign In (Writing/fine motor activity, books)
    10:05-10:30 Snack and floor toys
    10:30-10:45 Circle time
    10:45-11:00 Small Groups
    11:00-11:30 Play centers, clean up
    11:30-11:40 Closing Circle
    11:40-11:45 Pack up, Dismissal
    Afternoon Schedule
    1:00 Arrival
    1:05-1:35 Playground
    1:35-1:40 Bathroom break
    1:40-1:50 Sign in (Writing/fine motor activity, books)  
    1:50-2:10 Snack and floor toys
    2:10-2:25 Circle Time
    2:25-2:40 Small group
    2:40-3:05 Play centers, clean up
    3:05-3:15 Closing Circle
    3:15-3:20 Pack up, Dismissal