• Statistics – “I Can” Statements

    Performance Levels

    4 - Demonstrates Proficiency Independent of Lesson

    3 - Demonstrates Proficiency


    2 - Demonstrates Proficiency with Some Support


    1 - Can Not Demonstrate Proficiency



    ____ I Can recognize a statistical question from a non-statistical question. 6.SP.A.1

    ____ I Can explain the traits of a statistical question. 6.SP.A.1

                I Can create…6.SP.B.4

    ____ …a Dot Plot.       ____ …a Histogram          ____ …a Box (and Whisker) Plot

    ____ I Can describe the distribution of a set of data by describing and discussing its…6.SP.A.2

    ____ …Center.             ____ …Spread                   ____ …Overall Shape

    ____ I Can describe/discuss the distribution of data in a histogram as…6.SP.A.2

    ____ …Symmetrical.  ____ …Slewed Left / Right.

    ____ I Can describe/discuss the measure of center of a set of data by using…6.SP.A.3

    ____ …Median.           ____ …Mean.

    ____ I Can describe/discuss the measure of variability of a set of data by using its…6.SP.A.3

    ____ …Range.              ____ …Interquartile Range.__       …Mean Absolute Deviation