Phone: 602-467-5534


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Ronda Clark

I am so excited to be starting my 8th year at Greenbrier!  I have been a music teacher for 18 years, teaching previously at the middle school level in Litchfield.  I graduated from Grand Canyon University.  I love music and am excited to share that love with the students at Greenbrier.

I grew up in Washington State on a small wheat farm.  I loved growing up in the country life.  From first grade on, piano and music have been a part of my life. I enjoyed singing in choir to accompanying choirs to playing in the band to playing in church.  Along with music though, I love to do many other things.  I love being outside, sewing quilts, going camping with my family, crafting with my daughters and golfing.

I am looking forward this year and making wonderful music with your students.