• From the Health Office


    Hello Viking Families,

     I am the school nurse, Nancy O'Brien, RN/BSN.  Most of you know me as Nurse Nancy.  I am in the office every day if you would like to speak with me.  I can be reached at 602-467-6310. You can also email me with any questions at nancy.obrien@dvusd.org. 

    If your child is not feeling well, please keep them home and keep our office informed of the symptoms they are experiencing. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the following symptoms are most commonly associated with COVID-19: fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; congestion or runny nose; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.  These symptoms usually appear within 2 to 14 days of exposure to someone with the disease.  It is true that many children who have COVID may have milder symptoms or no symptoms at all.  However, we must not assume that children are immune to the virus, or that they will not become seriously ill.   We will send any student home if they present with a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater.  Other COVID-like symptoms as listed will also result in the child being sent home.  Mrs. Weinman has asked me to make sure parents pick up their children within ten minutes of receiving a call that they are sick at school.  I encourage you all to keep your students' pink sheets current with information where we can reach you by phone quickly if your child does become ill at school.  Our policy is to send children home promptly if they have any COVID-like symptoms as well as any flu-like symptoms.  

    I hope that all of you and your families are doing well, and I look forward to working with you and your child this year.


    Nurse Nancy



























    New Medication Requirement


    In accordance with the Arizona School Board Association and the 好色导航Governing Board Policy JLCD, concerning administration of medication at school, there is a new requirement in order to give prescribed medications and dietary supplements in the school setting.  This includes daily prescription medicines, asthma medicines, and prescribed allergy medicines.

    A written doctor’s order will now be required per Governing Board Policy JLCD Medicines/Administering Medicines to Students.

    “There shall be a written order from the physician stating the name of the medicine, the dosage, and the time it is to be given.”



    All prescription medications, in addition to the information on the labeled bottle, must have a written doctor's order with student's name, name of medication, how, when and how often to be administered.


    Forms are available from Nurse Linda


















    • Immunization Requirements


     What will you need at registration?
    You will need your child’s Immunization Record. It must show the date your child was given each required shot with a stamp or signature from the doctor or immunization clinic stamp. If you do not have an Immunization Record or your child has not received all required shots call your doctor now for an appointment or the local health department for the date and location of the next immunization clinic.



    New Immunization Rules for 11 Year Olds

    NEW As of Aug 31, 2018

    Arizona Department of Health Services has made changes to rules for age requirement for Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines for school attendance which will affect your students as they turn 11 years old.

    Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, attenuated pertussis) will be required for students as they turn 11 years old and older when 5 years have passed since the last tetanus/diphtheria vaccine dose (DTP, DTaP, or Td). Previously, a Td was done 10 years after the initial series completed, but recurrence of pertussis in the teen population over the past years has put children at increased risk for this life-threatening disease. This is required as they turn 11 even if they are not in the 6th grade.
    MV (meningococcal vaccine) will be required for students who are 11 years old, even if they are not in 6th grade yet.  Meningococcal meningitis can be highly contagious in teen and young adults and may result in severe disability if not death. Students entering 6th grade must have documentation of these immunizations prior to the beginning school year each fall if they are already 11 years old.

    As you update your child's immunizations, please get the Tdap and MV administered and documented as soon as possible when your child turns 11 years old. Please get that documentation to your School Nurse when completed so that school records can be updated.

    Exemption forms are available from the nurse and must be filled out in person by parent for personal exemption or physician for a medical exemption. Remember, these are with understanding of potential exclusions from school in event of any outbreak of disease as determined by the Maricopa County Health Department. DON'T DELAY! Get your child's shots today!




    The Arizona School/Child Care Immunization Law
    Reference: Arizona Administrative code: Title 9, Chapter 6, Article 7, Vaccine Preventable Diseases

    For School Entry (Preschool, Kindergarten through 12th Grade.)


    Required Doses


    Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis

    Age 6 years and under:
    DTP,DtaP, DT or any combination of DTP, DtaP, DT

    5 doses at any age but…

    4 doses meet requirements for ages 4-6 if at least one was on or after the 4th birthday.

    Polio (OPV and/or IPV)

    4 doses at any age but…

    3 doses meet requirements for ages 4-6 if at least one was given on or after the 4th birthday; 3 doses meet requirements for 7 years and older if at least one was given on or after the 4th birthday.

    Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

    2 doses

    Both must be on or after the 1st birthday


    4 doses

    Requirement applies only to children under age five years in childcare/preschool.

    Hepatitis B

    3 doses

    Dose #2 1 month after dose #1. Dose #3 due 6 months after dose #1.

    Hepatitis A
    (required for daycare, Pre-school & Head Start)

    1st dose

    2nd dose

    On or after second birthday.

    6 months after 1st dose.


    1st dose

    2nd dose


    At 12 months of age.

    If 1st dose 13 years or older.





    1 dose is required


    1 dose

    11 Years and Older

     If Tdap has not been preciously given, 1 dose of Tdap is required when at least 5 years has passed since the last dose of tetanus containing vaccine.



    1 dose of quadrivalent meningoccocal ACWY is required.

    A dose administered at 10 years of age will meet the requirement. 




    For further information call 602-506-6767 or TDD: 602-506-6784






    Vision and Hearing Screenings


    Each year the district provides screenings for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade. 3rd grade, 5th grade and all new students to the Deer Valley Unified School District. 

    I have started screening our students the week of August 19th,    The screenings will continue throughout the 2019-2020 school year.

    In the event you do not wish to have your child screened, please contact the health office.

    After students are screened a referral letter will be sent home in the event they require an additional exam by a specialist.  The letters will be mail home to the address we have on file.