• Eligibility

    In accordance with the State of Arizona’s regulations and Deer Valley’s Governing Board Policy, only those students deemed academically eligible may participate in extra or co-curricular activities in which competition is an integral part of the organization. Students must be passing all subjects to be eligible. Study sessions will be available for students needing assistance.

    Students are encouraged to work out with their team(s) and not quit the sport even if they have a failing grade. They will be allowed to fully participate in competitions only when they can show passing grades on mid?reports, progress reports, or report cards. Each of these grading periods determines the student's eligibility until the next grading period approximately 2 1/2 weeks later.

    The teacher and the coach may limit participation in a sport due to disruptive behavior and attitude.

    If a student receives a detention, in?school suspension, or out?of?school suspension, the student may not participate in or attend any extracurricular activities including practices, games, competitions, dances, etc. Parents may not change scheduled detentions due to conflicts with extra-curricular activities.

    Note: An absence of more than 1/2 of the school day will make students ineligible to participate in sports or other activities that day only. Students who go home ill may not return to school to participate in extra-curricular activities.


    Sierra Verde Student Athlete Contract

    Athletes and parents/guardians will be asked to sign a contract showing they understand the district eligiblitiy, as well as those outlined for Sierra Verde Students.  We expect our student athletes to show great character in their sport and around campus.  GRIT cards are looked at and do affect playing time for students.




    In accordance with the State of Arizona’s regulations and Deer Valley’s Governing Board Policy, only those students deemed academically eligible may participate in extra or co-curricular activities. Athletic Eligibility will be determined every week by the Administration and Athletic Coordinator starting the first Monday after the week of tryouts. If a student-athlete is failing a class (Minimum of 1 F), they will be put on a pending academic list for one week. During this pending period, the student-athlete will still be considered on the team and allowed to participate. If a pending student-athlete is still failing a class (Minimum of 1 F) the following week, the student-athlete will be put on an ineligible list for one week. During this ineligible period the student-athlete will still be considered on the team, allowed to practice, but not allowed to participate in games or travel with the team to away contests. It is Sierra Verde's policy that if there is a home game during this time that the student is not allowed to attend the game as a team member on the bench, or as a "fan". If the student-athlete has a combination of three occurrences during a season (Pending or Ineligible), then they will be dismissed from the team. This will be considered the three strike rule. If a student-athlete is put on the academic pending list, a letter will be sent home with the student-athlete. If a student-athlete reaches the level of strike two (a combination of pending or ineligible), the coach should make direct contact with the parent/guardian to inform them of their student’s academic eligibility status.

    Grade checks will be run by Administration and/or the Athletic Coordinator using power schools every Monday morning and the pending/ineligible time period will be Monday-Saturday. Grades are considered for all classes with no exceptions, and it is not looked at on a class to class basis. In the case of a teacher error, then that situation will be dealt with on an individual basis.

    Students assigned to OCR/ISS or students who are suspended from school may not participate in any team practices/games from the time of their assignment to OCR/ISS or home suspension until the day following their last day of assignment to OCR/ISS or home suspension. It is the responsibility of the coach to assure that no students assigned to on campus suspension or home suspension be allowed to participate.

    Students and parents should be aware that if the student is medically excused from participating in regular physical education classes, they could be ineligible for participation in school athletic programs as stated on the medical excuse from the parent or doctor.

    All students are eligible the 1st Monday after the last day of a quarter. Grade checks will not be concluded until the 3rd week of a new quarter.