Phone: 623-376-3959


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Business Finance NAU Post Bac Elementary Ed. ASU Certified Elementary Ed. and Middle School Math Gifted Endorsed

Mrs. Robyn Cohon

Welcome to the Copper Creek SAGE Program.  SAGE is a daily content replacement program for gifted students in grades 3-6 at Copper Creek in the area of Language Arts and Math.
This year marks my 31st (30th in gifted education) year of teaching.  I attended NAU and studied Business Finance. After graduating with my Bachelor's Degree, I decided to attend ASU and pursue teaching (I have never been accused of doing things linearly).  My start in teaching was at a middle school, teaching math. I have been teaching the SAGE program at Copper Creek since the doors opened in 1997. The previous two years, I was a SAGE teacher at another school in Deer Valley.  
I am Highly Qualified by the State of Arizona in both Elementary Education and Middle School Math, along with being specially endorsed in the area of Gifted Education.
Gifted students have unique needs and the SAGE classroom is designed to allow "out of the box thinking" and self-expression in an intellectually safe environment. I believe in setting high goals and that the journey can be more important than the destination. Mistakes are not failures, giving up is. Errors are part of growing, learning, and being human.
The SAGE room at Copper Creek encourages risk-taking by allowing students to learn from, evaluate, and correct mistakes.   A little struggle is good for the soul and if we never hit a point of frustration, how will we ever learn to cope?  This is all part of a well-rounded learning environment.  I invite you to e-mail me with any questions or concerns (I check my e-mail often).
Also, this is a classroom of collaboration.  I encourage discussion, sharing of ideas and even questioning.  Students experience authentic discussion (which includes dissent), which is such an important skill to have.  It is okay to disagree but always keep an open mind and listen.
My husband, Alex, is a 4th grade teacher up the road at Terramar Elementary.  We have two boys, one a Junior at Mountain Ridge and the other starting his first year at ASU.  We are a family of Tech and Trek geeks.  My husband and I (and our boys) were both Star Trek Nerds before it was popular. You might even find a Tribble or two invading the SAGE room along with the Tardis to take us on our journeys. 
Teaching gifted students at Copper Creek is always full of wonderful, fulfilling surprises and enriches every day of my life. 
In the Immortal Words of Mr. Spock- "Live Long and Prosper."