• Language Arts Notes

    Grade 3/4: 
    Starting in the 2024-25 school year, we will be using an extension/enrichment model for ELA.  Students will receive their core curriculum in the general education classroom and will move into the gifted class for small groups and intervention time.  Each grade level will meet two days per week.   We will incorporate literature studies, integrations with social studies and discussions during this time.
    This year all ELA students will have the opportunity to participate in a Wax Museum.  All students will do a research report on a person who has made positive contributions to society from all walks of life.  In the spring they will take that information and bring it to life at our Wax Museum.  No two students may choose the same individual topic I am going to let 6th grade have first choice, then 5th and so on...  The plan is to repeat this activity each year.  Please do not try to get a head start, with the exception of possible topic choices.
    Graded 5/6:
    The SAGE Language Arts program is designed not only to increase students' language skills, but also incorporate higher level thinking through writing and discussion.  Students will use a variety of literature, whole group and small group instruction, and project-based learning as they explore the world around them and articulate their response to what they explore.  Students will explore literature in historical context.
    I will always make available and keep you informed of the major pieces of literature and the topics we explore.
    Reading Grades are based on the following for 5/6:
    Classwork 20% - This includes Reading Logs, Common Lit, No Read Ink (Writing), Class Discussions, and assignments that are not considered assessments.
    Assessments 80% - This includes essays, short writing pieces, and formal assessment (tests).  Assessments are coded in Canvas.