• Gifted Placement- Students are assessed in three areas (Verbal, Quantitative, & Nonverbal) using the CogAT assessment. The state of Arizona requires placement for students scoring at the 97th percentile or higher on state approved tests. 好色导航offers gifted services for students who score at or above 95% in one or more areas at all of our campuses. Placement testing is conducted three times a year at our schools based on teacher and parent recommendation. Testing at our district office is also available (for a fee) in the spring and summer each year. In addition, students may qualify based on other state approved gifted identification assessments. Students may only be tested once per calendar year. Please see our gifted website for testing windows and more information.


    • What is a Gifted Cluster?
      • Cluster grouping is a full day gifted service model. Gifted students are grouped together in a classroom with teachers who are trained to adapt the curriculum and environment for gifted students. Available at all schools in grades K‐2, many schools extend cluster grouping through higher grade levels with the support of a Gifted Specialist. Flex grouping is when students are grouped (either within the classroom or between classrooms) according to their ability or interest for a unit or activity.
      • For more information about Gifted Services from 好色导航please click here /Domain/95.


    • Philosophy on Differentiation for Gifted Learners- Gifted students are provided opportunities that challenge them to a level that meets or exceeds their individual needs. As the Gifted Cluster teacher for second grade, I will use a variety of curriculum delivery strategies and resources. Differentiated classroom instruction will be the primary means to appropriately challenge students in addition to support from the Gifted Specialist, Amanda Boden.




Last Modified on May 24, 2023