• We utilize the Boys Town program on our campus and in our classroom. We teach 16 basic social skills. Please refer to the classroom procedures below. 

    Entering the Classroom

    1. Please enter calmly and quietly. 

    2. Get seated and start the bell work that will be either on the smart board or white board. It will say “Do Now” and have instructions

    3. Say here or present when your name is called for attendance.


    Line Procedures

    1. Line up silently with your hands down at your side, facing forward.

    2. Make sure you stay an arms length apart from the person in front of you.

    3. Walk silently.


    Work Completed Procedure

    1. If you are working in your interactive notebook and you are done. Please close your notebook and follow the teacher's instructions.

    2. If you are done with an assignment or assessment on your Chromebook, close it and wait for the teacher's instructions.

    3. If you are not sure what to do, then raise your hand and ask what to do next.


    Whole Group Learning Procedures

    1. Follow instructions

    2. Get the teacher’s attention appropriately.

    3. Use an appropriate voice tone when answering questions.

    4. Participate

    5. Stay on task


    Bathroom/Water Procedures

    1. Show the bathroom symbol at the appropriate time (after the first ten minutes of class, and before the last ten minutes of class or wait until the passing period.)

    2. Create an e-hall pass. If it goes through then the teacher will accept the pass if it is at an approved time.

    3. Go directly to the restroom/drinking fountain and back.


    Pencil Sharpener Procedures

    1. Sharpen your pencil at the beginning of class.

    2. Show the pencil hand symbol if it is during class you will be given a sharpened pencil.


    End of Class Procedures

    1. Wait until the teacher gives the instruction to clean-up.

    2. Put away all classroom supplies and clean-up around your desk.

    3. Put your folder into the folder bin.

    4. Wait at your assigned seat until you are dismissed by the teacher.

    5. Walk out quietly and calmly.


    Fire Drill Procedures

    1. When you hear the fire alarm Do Not Leave the Room until we hear it announced over the intercom.

    2. Line up at the back of the classroom quietly and in a single file line.

    3. Follow the teacher and walk silently to the designated spot on the field.

    4. Remain silent in line for the entire fire drill. The teacher will take attendance.

    5. When the all clear is made, then wait patiently until the teacher instructs the class to walk silently back to class. 

    Independent Work

      1. Work silently

      2. Stay on task

      3. Raise your hand if you have a question or need help.

      4. Remain seated unless you are given permission to get out of your seat. 

    Collaborative Group Work

      1. Talk quietly during group work.

      2. Do your part to contribute to the group. 

      3. Remain seated unless you are given permission to get out of your seat. 


    Teacher Instruction

      1. When the teacher is talking, students should be paying attention and remain quiet. 

      2. Remain seated unless given permission to get out of your seat. 

      3. We will be using hand signals in class to communicate.