• Arithmatic in Base Ten (Operations with Decimals)– “I Can” Statements

    Performance Levels

    4 - Demonstrates Proficiency Independent of Lesson

    3 - Demonstrates Proficiency


    2 - Demonstrates Proficiency with Some Support

    1 - Can Not Demonstrate Proficiency


    Key Vocabulary: Algorithm, Quotient, Dividend, Divisor, Sum, Addend, Difference, Product, Quotient, Factor, GCF, LCM, Distributive property, Expression, Reciprocal, Tape diagram, Percent.

     Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.

    ____ * I Can divide multi-digit numbers. 6.NS.B.2

    ____ * I Can add multi-digit decimal numbers. 6.NS.B.3

    ____ * I Can subtract multi-digit decimal numbers. 6.NS.B.3

    ____ * I Can multiply multi-digit decimal numbers. 6.NS.B.3

    ____ * I Can divide multi-digit decimal numbers. 6.NS.B.3

    ____ * I Can find common factors and multiples of given numbers. 6.NS.B.4