• Rules


    1. Be Respectful
    2. Be Quiet
    3. No Food or Drinks
    4. No Cellphones (No Videos or Music)
    5. Coolmathgames.com only on computers
    6. Students with a pass must sign in and sign out.



    Students may check out 2 books.  Books have a due date of 2 weeks.


    Books may be renewed once if there are no holds on the title. Students are required to renew the book on the due date. Library privileges are suspended until an overdue book is returned, renewed or paid for if lost or damaged.


    It is suggested to students that books be kept in backpacks when not being read. This will allow students to have their books when it’s their day to visit the LMC and to protect them from harm. Please be mindful of water bottles placed in backpacks. This can quickly ruin books! Always use the outside holders.


    Please remember…, students are responsible for the books they check out. If a book is damaged or lost, the student will be asked to pay for the book. Until the book is paid for or returned, a student’s check out privileges are suspended. The care of books helps maintain our library collection for all of our students.


    Finally, if parents would like to limit the number of books their child can check out they may do so by contacting the Library Media Center Clerk, at 623-376-3313.


    Internet Usage

    Computers are available for student use during regularly scheduled class visits as well as for students on passes. They may be used for assigned class work, research, and testing. Students and parents/guardians must read and understand the Internet & E-Mail User Agreement and both must sign the Directory, Internet & E-mail User Agreement before students are allowed to use the computers. Computers are monitored and privileges can be canceled for violations of this agreement. The District offers students space on the Google Drive to save school projects and can be accessed from anywhere.


    Coolmathgames.com is the only approved game to be played in the Media Center.