• Financial Aid Resources:

    The HEFAR Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit company that helps families and individuals plan financially for the skyrocketing cost of college.  HEFAR helps to both lower the out-of-pocket costs and increase eligibility for financial aid by helping families qualify for more in grants, scholarships, endowments, and other aid that is available.  The HEFAR Group is a FREE service dedicated to helping make a college education more affordable and manageable for all and to keep families from making costly mistakes when navigating through the complex financial aid process.  Learn more at

    Additional Resources:

    FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) should be filled out by every student seeking financial assistance for college. Seniors may fill out the FAFSA form after their parents have completed the prior year tax forms. Please note there are a limited amount of funds awarded each year and money is given on a first come, first serve basis.

    FAFSA can qualify students for:

    • Grants - Free money for college that does not need to be payed back.
    • Student Loans - A low interest loan program
    • Study Work-Study Programs - Dependent on the institution
    Visit the website, , for more information and the online application.


    In order to receive student financial aid, you need to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You may use FAFSA on the Web to complete and submit your financial aid application electronically via the Internet to each school to which you have applied (www.fafsa.ed.gov). The FAFSA form is to be completed after January 1st of the student’s senior year, and then re-filed each year that the student is applying for financial aid.

    The U.S. Department of Education requires you to sign all of your financial aid application forms each year that you apply for aid or anytime you make any corrections to your processed application information. You will have to sign your FAFSA before they can process the application. You can sign and mail in a paper signature page, but it's much faster if you use your PIN to electronically sign your FAFSA or correction. You can request a PIN at the PIN Site which is located on the FAFSA web page. A PIN is not required to fill out and submit a FAFSA. Your PIN does not expire, so it can be used from one year to the next. FAFSA can communicate with you more quickly if you give them your most current e-mail address. Giving them your most current e-mail address will make receiving a PIN faster. They can generate and send you a PIN notification e-mail, within 1-3 days, with instructions on how to retrieve your PIN electronically. If you do not provide an e-mail address, it will take approximately 7-10 days to receive your PIN by postal mail. Once you receive your PIN, you can use it right away to sign your application.

    If you would rather sign by paper, a PIN will still be sent to you for future convenience once your application is processed. The same PIN can then be used to access and sign your Renewal FAFSA application next school year

    If you are a dependent student, your parent will also have to sign. Only one parent needs to sign the application. Your parent(s) may apply for a PIN at the PIN site in order to electronically sign your application, or they can sign a paper signature page. Parents can use the same PIN to sign the application of multiple children from one year to the next. Parents may email questions about their FAFSA applications through this web address or may contact the financial aid office of the college that their student plans to attend. Parents complete this form to be considered for many forms of financial aid.

    All of the updated information is available at the FAFSA web site: