Canvas Dashboard

  • If you don't see your Canvas class on your dashboard...
    Try this- on the left side click courses and in the pop-out click on all courses. Now you'll see two lists. The top list is the current classes. In that list find the classes for 20-21 and make sure there is a star next to it, by clicking the star. You should now see the starred classes on your dashboard. You can always access it from the all courses list. 

Help From Our District's Site

Getting Help

  • Google Form to Request Student, Parent, and Guardian Support:

    Click on the Support Request tab above or go to


Resetting A Chrome Book

  • If you Chromebook is have many issues and you'd like to reset it, follow these steps.  All student work is saved in Google Drive, so they won't loose any work.

    1. Sign out of your Chromebook.
    2. At the login screen, press and hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift + r , then click Restart or
    3. In the box that appears, select Powerwash > Continue.
    4. Select Continue to confirm powerwash.
    5. At the Welcome screen, select “Let’s Go”.
    6. Connect to your home network, click next.
    7. Select Accept and Continue.
    8. When Enterprise Enrollment completes, select Done.
    9. Login with students email address and password to begin using the

    ¡ñ may or may not be pre-populated on the login
    ¡ñ If you see pre-populated, you will need to type in
    students FULL email address - example