• Resources


    The following are resources you may find helpful. This is not an all-inclusive list and no resource is endorsed by another. This resource page is just a place that may be helpful. Just click on the purple link below the topic, and you will be directed to an outside website that provides additional information you may find helpful. 




           Today, we know concussions can have serious consequences. Especially if a person has more than one or repeated head injuries.  A person who is experiencing a concussion does not always recognize that they've had an injury.  So it's important we know what to look for and when to seek a medical evaluation. Here are two links to nationally recognized medical facilities in AZ that deal specifically with head trauma. 

     Free & Reduced School Lunch Program  



       Billy’s Place :  623-335-110    

       New Song:  480-951-8985.    

       Stepping Stones of Hope:  602-264-7520     

     Vaping/Electronic Cigarettes




    Other Helpful Links 





     Emotional Health