•   In First Grade we learn and practice the following types of writing:

    Narrative-  This type of writing is the easiest for kids.  Typically, students are writing about something that happened in real life to them or their family.  Journal writing is an example of this type of writing in the classroom setting.

    Quick Write-  Quick writes are short, written responses usually as a result of a prompt from the teacher.  Quick writes are "check ins" or formative assessments for the teacher.  They allow the teacher to see the students' thinking in real time.  Quick writes are usually completed in 2-3 minutes and do not focus on the writing process.  Quick writes are helpful in developing writing fluency; the ability to write quickly and for a longer period of time.  For example:  Write a 2-3 sentence prediction about the text based on the title.

    Reports-  Reports usually focus on reseach topics and take place over several days or even weeks.  Reports must use standard writing practices and focus on presentation or correct conventions of print.  (grammar, punctuation, spelling)

    Process Writing:  Similar to reports, process writing follows the steps of writing (pre-write or brainstorming, organizing, rough draft, revise, edit, presentation or final copy) and may take place over days.  In first grade, process writing is highly supported by the teacher.

    On Demand Writing-  This type of writing is usually a type of assessment and used with a prompt.  Example:  In the story Chicken Little, provide evidence to support the lesson or theme of the story.  On demand writing is the most common type of writing in school and students need to develop writing fluency to help strengthen their ability to respond to questions in writing.





    Fiction Writing:  Summarizing

    Students may use the strategy, Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then, Finally  as a structure for summarizing Fiction stories.

    Students always start by referencing the title in the opening sentence.  This helps the student know how to start; usually the most difficult sentence in the process.



    Of course, details may be added after the basic summary has been quickly composed using the structure.


    Grading Rubrics:

    Second Quarter