• Arizona Board of Nursing Competencies:

    1.0   Competency:  Functions as a member of the health team within the health care facility &/or community.

    2.0   Competency:  Demonstrates ethical and legal behavior that maintains resident’s rights.

    3.0   Competency:  Assists in identifying the mental health and social service needs of residents.

    4.0   Competency:  Demonstrates effective communication.

    5.0   Competency:  Maintains a safe environment for the resident and others

    6.0   Competency:  Demonstrates general principles of infection control.

    7.0   Competency:  Provides basic emergency care.

    8.0   Competency:  Applies the principles of basic nutrition to resident care.

    9.0   Competency:  Provides the resident with personal care and grooming.

    10.0 Competency:  Measures vital signs.

    11.0 Demonstrates safe transfers, positioning and turning of residents using effective body mechanics.

    12.0 Competency:  Cares for cognitively impaired residents.

    13.0 Competency:  Identifies the function, structure, common health problems & normal aging changes of each of

                                       the following systems.

    14.0 Competency:  Provides for comfort and rest.

    15.0 Competency:  Assists with diagnostic tests.

    16.0 Competency:  Provides care for the peri-operative resident and/or resident with special needs.

    17.0 Competency:  Assists in Admission/Transfer/Discharge of the resident.

    18.0 Competency:  Provides care for residents and family when death is imminent

    Course Competencies:

    1. Describe the role of the nurse assistant in caring for elder clients & those with alterations in health care.
    2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the nurse assistant related to ethical & legal standards of the profession.
    3. Use simple problem-solving skills when giving care to elderly clients & clients with alterations in health.
    4. Describe professional communication skills specific to the nurse assistant as a member of the health care team.
    5. Describe select nurse-assisting interventions designed to meet the holistic needs of clients.
    6. Describe basic nurse assisting skills to ensure a safe environment and personal safety for the client.
    7. Describe specific caring behaviors that are important when caring for clients and communication with members of the health care team.
    8. Describe the signs and symptoms of specific diseases, conditions and alterations in client behavior.
    9. Apply the principles of nutrition and fluid balance to client care.
    10. Describe the special care needs of elder clients in the acute and long-term care settings.
    11. Describe the basic skills and procedures needed for clients in emergencies.
    12. Perform basic therapeutic, maintenance and preventative interventions identified in the client’s plan of care appropriate to the nurse assistant role.
    13. Function as a member of the health care team within the health care facility.
    14. Demonstrate behaviors that are in accordance with accepted standards of practice and ethical guidelines within the role of the nurse assistant.
    15. Demonstrate simple problem solving to provide care to clients with alterations in health under the direction of the nursing staff.
    16. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills with clients with alterations in health.
    17. Demonstrate caring behaviors when interacting with clients in acute and long term agencies.
    18. Demonstrate skills necessary to ensure a safe environment and protection of the client.
    19. Implement nursing assistant skills that relate to basic and holistic client needs.
    20. Communicate client response to appropriate nursing personnel through recording and reporting.
    21. Apply common medical terms used for the simple organization of the body, major organs & medical abbreviations.


  • Semester 1 - Fall

     Week 1 - Welcome collection of all required paperwork

     Week 2 - Unit 1: Nursing Assistant in LTC/ Stop the Bleed Training

    Week 3 - Unit 1: First Aide & CPR 

     Week 4 - Unit 2: Ethics & Legal Issues in Nursing

     Week 5, 6 - Unit 3: Safety & Body Mechanics

     Week 7 - Unit 4: Infection Prevention 

     Week 8 - 11: Clinical Rotations 

     Week 12 -  Unit 5: Communication

     Week 14, 15 -  Unit 6: Admission, Transfer, & Discharge & Surgery Preop/Postop & Rehabilitation 

     Week 16 - Unit 8: Vitals Signs 

     Week 17 - Thanksgiving Break 

     Week 18 - Unit 8: Vital Signs

     Week 19 - Comp Final Review

     Week 20 - FINALS Knowledge and Skills 


    Semester 2 - Spring

     Week 1, 2  - Unit 10: Personal Care

     Week 3, 4 - Unit 11: Nutrition & Fluid Balance 

     Week 5 - Collecting Specimens

     Week 6-12 - Disease Processes

               Unit 12: Sensory, Cancer, Immune, Instrumentary Systems  

               Unit 13: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, & Lymphatic Systems

               Unit 14: Gastrointestinal & Endocrine Systems

               Unit 15: Renal & Reproductive Systems

               Unit 16: Musculoskelatal & Nervous Systems

               Unit 17: Mental Health & Dementia 

     Week 13 - Unit 19: End-of-Life Care

     Week 14-16 - Review & MOCK testing

     Week 17 - State Testing HeadMaster

     Week 18 - Application to AZBN, Resume

     Week 19 - Mock Interview & Pinning

     Week 20 - Graduation


    Schedule subject to change