

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Aaron Arnold

Mr. Aaron A. Arnold has been teaching in the Arizona public school system for 18 years. His first teaching job in Arizona was at Parkview Elementary in the Dysart District, working as a Media Specialist and teaching 8th grade Language Arts and 8th grade ELA honors. Shortly after his experience in the Dysart district, he was able to move to the district that he attended as a youth, Deer Valley Unified School District. He started teaching English at Barry Goldwater High School and has been there for 15 great years. He has had the honor of teaching all levels of Language Arts in his tenure at Barry Goldwater High School. He has also facilitated the Yearbook class, worked as a reading interventionist for the Read180 program and the Elevate Phonics Program. Mr. Arnold has also facilitated the Accelerated Credit recovery Program and has been an active teacher in the Pathways (night school) program, helping numerous students recover their lost credits and get back on track to graduation. Mr. Arnold is currently about to start his masters in technology in education, a field that knows no bounds and is ever evolving. Mr. Arnold attended his undergrad at ASU and earned his bachelor's degree in education, majoring in English Literature and history. He is highly qualified in both middle and high school ELA and hopes to work towards a national board certificate this year, time allowing.