• AP World History


    AP World History: Modern is a rigorous, college-level course. We use historical thinking skills and reasoning processes to explore historical content from 1200 CE to present-day. Students benefit from having strong reading skills as they are expected to read regularly to bolster content understanding. While this is a history course, it also focuses on historical argumentation and therefore, we do a significant amount of writing, including short answer questions, document-based essay questions, and long essay questions. 

    Student Profile:

    • general interest of global history & intellectual curiosity
    • enjoys thinking critically
    • active participant in class
    • reading at or above grade level
    • experiences satisfaction from tackling challenges
    • strong research, analytical, and communication skills 

    There will be NO summer 2024 assignments for AP World History. This is a college level course that will begin on the first day of school. :)

    PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Your student's AP World History syllabus is available here, as well as on the homepage of their Canvas class! Canvas will show you what your student has turned in, as well as what work they are missing. Powerschool is where you will find an accurate, up-to-date grade for your student. Parents/Guardians are able to have access to both Canvas and Powerschool. (If you do not have a Parent account, please come into the front office with your student's name and ID number and you will be given the necessary information to create your account.)

    STUDENTS: I will be communicating using Canvas Announcements this year. Please be sure to enable your Canvas settings to allow for message alerts.

    APWH Syllabus 2024-25