2021-22 Budget Committee

  • Committee Details
    Co-Chairpersons Jim Migliorino 
    Heather Mock

    Charge of the committee
    This committee of various stakeholders will develop a recommendation of the budget priorities for the 2021-22 fiscal year.

    Duration: December 2020  - February 2021

Committee Members

No. Name Position
1 Jim Migliorino Deputy Superintendent
2 Heather Mock Director of Finance
3 Dale LeBlanc Parent – BGHS Region
4 Mike LeCount Parent – BCHS Region
5 Christal Gudgell Parent – DVHS Region
6 Anita DeSantis Parent – MRHS Region
7 Bob Stambach Parent – SDOHS Region
8 Tony Galiette DVBLT - District Employee
9 Tish Mineer Administrator At Large - District Employee
10 Bernadette Richardson DVEA - District Employee
11 Rich Hughes Certified Staff At Large - District Employee
12 Debbie Shoemaker DVESPA - District Employee
13 Charles Shoemaker Classified Staff At Large - District Employee
14 Marie Brennan DVEF-Community
15 Nicole Anderson Parent Organization Representative-Parent
16 Samantha Holder Parent Organization Representative-Parent
17 Alex Akers Business Partner-Community
18 Marshall Militano Interfaith Representative-Community