• science



      • home page  Always start from the lesson home page. These can be found on the main page of the course and in the Modules tab.
      • order  Look at every page in the course. The instructional pages contain instructions and content necessary to completing your assignments.  If you skip pages, you will miss important information.
      • Assignments are designed to reinforce content and learning goals. In order to be successful in the course you need to complete all of your assignments.
      • corrections You are allowed two attempts on each assignment while it's open. When I review your assignment, I will make detailed comments regarding areas for improvement. You will only have the two attempts, so take your time and take comments into consideration before submitting. 
        • Read the comments BEFORE contacting me. If the comments do not answer your question, then be sure to email me through the Canvas inbox.
      • finals Final exams- will not be in person for this summer session. I will give instruction as we draw closer to the end of the semester on what you will complete as the final.  




      Please make sure that you keep up with your work. There is a master list of lessons on the front page of your class in Canvas. These are linked to lesson pages. Each lesson page provides you with a list of the instruction and assignment for the lesson. Do not skip pages! If you skip the instruction then you will not understand how to do the assignments. There is an assignment calendar posted on the front page of your course. I have also included a calendar that you can use to schedule your time. Life can sometimes sneak up on us and we can fall behind on our responsibilities.  Use the calendar to plan specific time for your DV Online Learning Program lessons. I would also suggest that you include your other responsibilities on the calendar – if you work, play sports, etc. This will help you keep on track and be successful. Print out the calendar or include your assignments on your electronic calendar (like a Google calendar if you have one).

      Communicating with me

      • inbox  Please communicate with me through the Canvas message system.  
        • If you ask question in the Comment box of an assignment, I will not be notified that it is there. I will only see the comment when I grade the assignment.
      • Please look at your assignments early in the week to give yourself time to ask questions and receive a response.
        • Ask questions if you do not understand. With the exception of labs and performance tasks, no single assignment should take longer than 60 minutes to complete. If you are struggling, ask for help.
      • Be specific. Tell me what assignment you are having trouble with and where the confusion or difficulty is.
      • Questions asked after 3 p.m. on Friday will not be answered until Monday.

      Assignments, Projects, and Tests:

      on time

      Lessons, assignments, and tests will only be available during specific periods during the length of the course; therefore, you must log-in to see when each individual lesson begins and when the assignments and tests are due. It is also very important that you look in the class Announcements every day for important information. 

      It is OK to work ahead. If you know you will be out of town or busy, plan to complete work ahead of time. Do not wait until the due date to start your work.


      Due Dates and Late Work

      • There are two important dates for every assignment: the due date and the closing date.
        • The due date is the date the assignment is due.  All due dates are on Fridays at 11:59pm.
          • You should always plan to submit your work by the due date.
        • For all weeks other than Week 14 (or week 5 in summer school), the closing date is one week (7 calendar days) past the due date.
          • The week between the due date and the closing date provides additional time for:
            • Students with IEPs or 504s that allow them extra time on assignments. Work can be submitted for FULL CREDIT if submitted by the closing date and time.
            • When "life happens" and you are running a little behind. Work can be submitted for FULL CREDIT if submitted by the closing date and time.
            • Technology issues happen - you have time to get them resolved. Work can be submitted for FULL CREDIT if submitted by the closing date and time.
            • Your score on an assignment was not as high as you would have liked.  You can make corrections and resubmit the work for FULL CREDIT if submitted by the closing date and time.
          • I do not extend the closing date on assignments. 
            • So, there is always the temptation to treat the closing date like the due date.  DON'T DO THIS! Here's why:
              • If you are trying to submit right up to when an assignment closes and you have technology issues, you have NO TIME to fix it!  The assignment stays as a zero.
              • If you do not understand the assignment, then you have NO TIME to ask questions!
              • If something happens in your life and you run out of time, then you are OUT OF TIME!
              • If you do not score as high as you would have liked on the assignment, then you have NO TIME to make corrections!
        • Week 14 late work will only be accepted until the Monday of week 15 (final exam week).
        • In summer school, late work for week 5 is accepted until the Monday of week 6 (final exam week).
      • If you submit work for the first time within two days of the assignment closing date, I will do my best, but there  may not be time for your to make corrections for additional credit.

      Assignments must be submitted through the submission button in the assignment. I do not accept assignments sent by email or the Canvas messaging system.

      Other Responsibilities

      • Participation in class is essential to your success. Deer Valley Online Learning Program guidelines require you to be active in your classes throughout the WHOLE ONLINE SEMESTER. Students who are inactive in the class for 10 consecutive days may be dropped from the course.
      • log Fill out your MyHours Log if you are taking a class during the Fall or Spring semester. This is another Online Program requirement for students who are not paying for their course. If you do not complete your logs you will be locked out of your classes.  


      Final Exams

      Final exams will not be in person for the summer session. I will give explicit directions as we get closer to the end of the session.


      Your grade consists of two main parts: the work you do during class and final exams. Students must earn at least 60% overall in the course to earn credit for the course.

      Here’s what the grade breakdown looks like:

      Course work 

      Final Exams

      Worth 100% of your final grade

      Scores are not weighted in this category. So, points for a lab count the same as quiz points.

      Worth 0% of your final grade

      ·         Written final is 10%

      ·         Multiple choice final is 10%


      Academic Integrity

      As stated in the student handbook, it is the expectation that all work is the student's original work.  Students may not work with partners to complete assignments. Students who submit work that is similar to their classmates will receive a zero on the assignment - no exceptions!

      Cheating: In cheating, a student is taking the work of another, on any assignment, and claiming it as his/her own. Cheating includes but is not limited to:

      • Copying and/or offering homework verbally, in written form, or by electronic means from/to another student.
      • Copying and/or offering questions and/or answers on tests or quizzes verbally, in written form, or by electronic means from/to another student.
      • Pressuring other students to copy and/or offer homework, answers and/or questions on tests or quizzes verbally, in written form or by electronic means.
      • Bringing in and using unauthorized information during exams, including information stored in any electronic device.
      • Offering or receiving information under circumstances in which information is not to be shared.
      • Having anyone, including parents or tutors, complete assignments and submitting the work as one’s own.
      • Copying answers from answer guides in texts.
      • Fabricating data, information, or sources. Presenting made up material as authentic.


      Please do your own work!

      Plagiarism: The act of plagiarism may include direct copying, but it may also be more complex than verbatim repetition. A student, in preparing a project for a class, will have plagiarized if he/she has taken information from sources without citing the sources that have been used. Plagiarized material may appear in a student’s paper as word-for-word copying, a summation, or a paraphrase of another’s ideas. A student has plagiarized whether the material from another source has been taken in whole or in part. In effect, by not naming the source, the student is claiming the work of another as his/hers. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

      • Submitting images and/or documents in whole or in part from the Internet without citation of the source(s).
      • Copying another’s work.
      • Using another’s ideas without proper citations.
      • Incorporating portions of another’s writing within the context of your own work.
      • Failing to acknowledge a source of information.
      • Using “unique” phrases without citations.
      • Using graphics, charts, diagrams, or illustrations without citations.
      • Using a translator (either in-person or on-line) without proper citations

      The intention of the coursework is for students to USE information collected from sources to support their OWN ideas.  For this reason, students who copy and paste text and use it IN PLACE of their own work will receive a zero even if they have used citations. If students are unsure how to use information collected from the internet to support their own ideas, they should look in the Citing Your Work lesson in the course. All assignments will be checked through a plagiarism checker.

      Plagiarism and/or Cheating will result in disciplinary actions and a 0%, with no option to redo/retake. - no exceptions.