• Social Studies:

    This course studies how to be an active citizen by looking to those who have done so in the past and taking stances on current issues. In addition to reading and writing, this course integrates technology into a variety of activities. You will be watching videos, researching information, making decisions, and using interactive websites throughout the school year. 

    Additionally, you will strengthen your ability to make decisions, problem-solve, set goals, and plan for personal success. 

    Civics Test info: 

    "The Civics test is an assessment that became a HS graduation requirement by our state legislature beginning in the 2016-2017 school year. The standards covered from the U.S. Naturalization Test are taught over the course of Kindergarten through 8th grade. Thus making 8th grade the optimal time to assess.

    The 好色导航Assessment workteam along with District Administration determined that in 8th grade all students will be given the Civics Test on School City, and in 11th & 12th grade students who need to pass for graduation will be tested at high school discretion."

    **On Canvas under Modules, there are resources to study and prepare for the Civics Test. Throughout the school year, practice quizzes and study days will be implemented during class time. I highly encourage students to continue studying on their own to guarantee better test scores.**

    First Testing Date: December 17th

    *anyone who does not pass with a score of 70% or higher will be able to retake for a chance at a passing score.

    Personal Finance: 

    We will be learning how to build money confidence in this course.  Topics include planning for the future, saving, budgeting, credit, preparing for life after high school, and more.  You will be watching videos, researching information, making decisions, and using interactive websites to practice vocab as well as make financial decisions.  Additionally, you will consider how to solve case studies as a preparation for real life.