• Classroom Expectations

      • Enter Class Quietly - Walking
      • Do Zones Check & Be seated in your Assigned Seat
      • Start Warm-up, if one is provided
      • Active Listening/Following directions to complete Art Lesson Provided for the day
      • Raise your hand to be called on for questions/comments
      • Stay in your seat/Focused on Art
      • Work quietly at your tables - using inside voices when talking to your table mates
      • Be kind - Be Respectful

      Result of Not Following Expectations

      • Redirection/Calm Down Corner
      • Reflection Sheet/Documentation/Parent Contact
      • Parent contact/Behavior Referral 

      ***Cell Phones/Smart Watches, Toys, Food, Gum, Candy, Sugar Drinks Prohibited - Water Bottles Only Allowed in class.


      PAWS is our school-wide expectation system

      • Practicing Respect
      • Accepting Responsibility
      • Working Together
      • Safety Matters