

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor Degree in Special and Elementary Education

Mrs. Mindi Andea

Hello! My name is Mindi Andea. I am a Special Education teacher at Union Park. 

I am an Arizona native, born and raised in the same area all my life. Although I grew up in the Paradise Valley USD, but I am happy to work in Deer Valley USD and be part of this community. I graduated from Northern Arizona University (Go Jacks!) with a Bachelor's of Science in Special and Elementary Education in 2020. I finished my student teaching in Deer Valley at the end of 2020. I was lucky enough to get a job at the school I student taught at in January 2021 as a 5th - 7th grade Special Education teacher at Terramar Academy of the Arts. I loved my time at Terramar, but an opportunity opened up at Union Park that I couldn't resist. This will be my 4th year at Union Park as a K-2 Special Education resource teacher. I have worked both in the Self-Contained and Resource classroom setting with students of all abilities. I try to share my love of learning with all the students I interact with. I love being a part of the Union Park Toro community!

I have been married to my wonderful husband, Cristian, for almost a year! We enjoy going to concerts, watching movies, cooking, building Legos, spending time with friends & family, and going on long rides on my husband's motorcycle. We have a pet tortoise named Gypsy that we love dearly! I am a family-oriented person and believe family should be put first, always. I do not have any children yet, but I have two amazing nephews that I spend a lot of my free time with. 

I was fortunate enough to be recognized as the 2021-2022 Rookie of the Year by the Deer Valley Education Foundation. This has been my biggest accomplishment to date and I could not have achieved this great honor without the help from my colleagues, support from my husband and family, or the incredible students I am so lucky to get to teach. 

I am so excited for the 2024-2025 school year!!