• Toros know that for EVERYONE, EVERYDAY, ANYWHERE reading is our key to success.


    Dear Toro Familia,

    Our goal is to make reading a family affair. Help us by adopting family reading habits.

         1. AT LEAST 15 minutes before bedtime, turn off all electronics.

         2. Read TO your child or read WITH your child (take turns reading a paragraph or page, then switch.)

         3. If you have too much to do yourself some days, have a sibling or a relative or a friend read to your child.

         4. If your child can read themselves, have them read to a stuffed animal, a dog, a cat or any pet.

                                                 Girl reading to dog    

         5. BE AN EXAMPLE. Let them see you reading as much as possible. If you don't like books, read magazines or                                           newspapers. Reading is reading, it doesn't matter what form.