• Hello Kindergarten Families! 


    Below you will find the weekly focus for each content area and reminders for the week of Sept. 9-Sept. 13:


    Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

    • Review - Isolate the initial sound in a spoken word

    • Review - Beginning Sound/ Rest of word

    • New - Phonemic Blending

    • New - Syllable Blending and Segmentation

    • Letter sounds:  Aa-Short Vowel Sound 

    Letters already taught:  Mm, Ss, Tt, Bb


    • Stories:   I Like Myself! and ABC I Like Me 

    • Sight Word(s):  am, at, go

    • Narrative writing

    • Story Elements - character and setting

    • Problem-Solution


    Sight words already taught: the, a, see, I, my, by, to


    *Please look for the little reading books in the folder (twice a week) and practice reading them with your child.*


    Math:  Numbers to 5 shapes and weight

    Social Studies:

    • How do people learn and work together? (Citizenship, Classroom Rules and School Community)



    • Weather and Seasons

    Special Area Classes:

    • Monday:  Day 3

    • Tuesday:  Day 4

    • Wednesday:  Day 5

    • Thursday:  Day 6

    • Friday: Day 1



    • Friday 9/13 is an early dismissal day for kindergarten.

    • The NEW Green folders should continue to move between home and school daily. Please empty them with your child each night and help them to evaluate their work. Did the page get finished? Is it a best effort job? This is a great opportunity to have your child explain what was practiced during the school day. Please look at the NEW passport in the front cover every day and talk about positive behaviors and challenges.  

    • Please put your child’s snack in a pocket in their backpack, NOT their lunchbox.  We are spending precious learning time and playtime while students are getting lunchboxes back out of their backpacks in order to find a snack. 

    • Please help your child practice writing their name. (The goal is first letter uppercase, the rest lowercase, with proper formation pattern instead of piecing the letters together creatively.)

    • Please remember to send a water bottle with your child every day.

    • Please send your child to school with shoes they can maneuver themselves. 


    Thank you so much for your support!