

Degrees and Certifications:

K-8 Elementary Degree Early Childhood Certification Gifted Endorsement

Mrs. King

I am Brandi King, your child's ELA teacher.  I am so excited about starting this journey with you.  This is my 23rd year of teaching.  I have taught second grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, and now 7th grade.  I am looking forward to an amazing year.

I am almost an Arizona native.  I was born in 好色导航 but moved to Seattle when I was about 3.  I lived there until I was 8 and my family moved back to 好色导航.  I grew up in Chandler and went to Corona Del Sol high school in Tempe.  I graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in Education.  I live with my husband of 23 years.  Jim retired from the Air Force after 33 years.  We have three children.  My oldest son, Connor, is starting his third year at ASU and loves going to the gym and playing intramural sports, and is studying finance and business.  He loves all things money, cars, and sports. My second son, Carter, is a Senior at Sandra Day O'Connor High School and is a big volleyball player.  He travels the country and plays for an amazing club team.  Carter goes four times a year to train with the USA Volleyball team.  Hopefully, boy's volleyball continues to grow in Arizona.  My youngest is my daughter Maddie. She is a Sophomore at Sandra Day O'Connor and loves horses.  Maddie spends most of her free time helping with horse therapy or riding horses.  When she is not busy with horses, she is the neighborhood dog watcher/sitter.  Let me know if you need help!  As a family, we love going to the movies, playing games, going to concerts, and visiting Disneyland, often.  

I am lucky to get to do what I love every day.  I can't think of another profession that I would find as much joy in.  When you are teaching and working with children, no two days are the same.  My favorite thing about teaching is when a light bulb goes off with a student and they, "Get it"!   ALL children can be successful and contributing members of a community.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be on this educational journey with you.  

Favorite things: Color-Pink  Drink: Celcius, Coffee (Iced Vanilla Latte with Oatmilk) /Ice Tea (Any Kind-unsweetened)  Hobbies: Crafting  Music: Country/80's  Snack: Hummus and Pretzels Restaurants: Chick-Fil-A, Mexican Food, Italian Food, Postinos, Outback, I LOVE FOOD!