

Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Hamann

Hi second graders and your families!! I am so excited about starting this school year with you. This will be my second year teaching and I’m so happy to be doing it at Copper Creek again. Last year, my amazing students helped me fall in love with teaching and I can't wait to see all of them again and meet my next group of bobcats :) I just graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Master’s of Education in May 2022 and I moved to Arizona last summer with my boyfriend. I am originally from Wausau, Wisconsin where I grew up with two younger brothers and one younger sister. I like to spend my time traveling, reading, going on hikes, playing volleyball, trying new flavors of ice cream, and spending time with all of the people I love!


I feel so lucky to be teaching at such a wonderful school, and can’t wait to get to know each one of my students and families as we build a community in our classroom. They are already so special to me! We are going to have such a fun year and learn so much together.