

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Gratto

Paseo Hills


My name is Angelique Gratto. I attended and graduated from Arizona State University in May 2013 with my Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education. This will be my twelfth year teaching, five of those years in fourth grade, three in sixth, three in 8th grade, and this will be my first year teaching 7th grade. In April, I celebrated my ninth year of marriage, and we celebrated our son's 7th birthday. I am very excited about being your child’s seventh grade teacher this school year! I am extremely passionate about what I do, and I am committed to making learning fun and engaging.  

Books are like clothes. You have to try a few before you find the right one.  You may hate reading now, but that is because you have not found the right fit for you.  Exploring and trying out different genres will help you find that “perfect fit”.