• School Hours: Classes are in session between 8:15 to 3:00. 

    Car Pick up and Drop off: Student pick up and drop off area is located in the large parking lot to the north of campus in the front of the school.

    Absences: Please notify the office if your child is or will be absent. The attendance number is 623-445-3590

    Snacks: We will have a snack every day during our recess in the morning. ONLY water is allowed in the classroom. 

    Prepared for Class: Students should come prepared for learning every day. They should have pencils, white board makers, one spiral notebooks, highlighters, red pens and their school chromebooks fully charged.

    Behavior plan:  We follow our Hawk code:  Have integrity, be empathetic, take accountability. 

    Behavior Expectations  Your child will be a given a verbal warning if they are not exhibiting the Hawk code.  If your child continues to not follow the expectations they will be asked to fill out a Minor-(Behavior Reflection form) and an email or phone call home will result and a structured recess will be given.  This means that they will walk for all or part of their recess.  I also can sit them out with parent permission, but we like that they are getting their exercise.   If your child receives 3 minors, that equals a major and they will be referred to Administration.

    6 Minors= 6th Minor Behavior Incident: Student is referred to MTSS-B and administration conferences with parent 

    9 Minors= 9th Minor Behavior Incident: MTSS-B review and focused administration intervention 

    Missing and Late Work:

    Missing Work: An assignment that is not submitted by the due date. Students will receive a 49% and No Evidence (NE) will be marked for the corresponding standard for all missing work. 

    Late Work: An assignment that is submitted after the due date, but within 5 days after the end of a unit.

    Classwork: An assignment expected to be submitted within the class period. 

    好色导航work: Generally, students should have adequate time to finish classwork in class, but in some cases, if work is not complete, it will become homework. Students should use their agenda/planner to write down if there is any work that needs to be completed outside of the classroom.  

    Canvas: Canvas classes will be posted for ELA, Writing and Social Studies. Students may log into Canvas to find course work.