
    First rehearsal is Monday 8/19 @ 2:30pm in room 312 (all cast MUST be there)

    Please come to room 312 on Friday 8/16 after school to pick up your performance contract and get your measurements done. 


    Performance Contracts and scripts will be given out on Friday 8/16. Please bring them back on Monday 8/19 signed!

    Cast Photos will also be taken at the first rehearsal 8/19 so be ready for your close up!

    Congratulations and thank you to everyone that auditioned!

  • There are 2 casts! Who is on which cast will be determined after the first rehearsals. Actors will perform as ensemble on the days they are not a lead.

    Everyone will be performing in all shows.

    Cast List

    Leon Tolchinsky - Ember Medina
    Snetsky - Harper Bryan Adelaide Price
    Magistrate - Imanii Collins Connor Fredricksen
    Slovitch - Matthias Bailey Jadyn Crouch
    Mishkin - Sofia Burt Sam Hernandez
    Yenchna - Ryhan Demeter Skylar White
    Dr. Zubritsky - Hunter Noland
    Lenya Zubritsky - Nealah Haderly Emma Drouillard
    Sophia Zubritsky - Katelyn Blake Alaura Miessner
    Gregor Yousekevitch - Zaine Hegazy


  • If you were not cast, never fear! There are going to be auditions for the spring Musical in November! We hope to see you there. 

    The Spring musical will be MATILDA! 

    More info coming soon.