• 8th Grade Science Syllabus 24-25



    The 8th grade science standards are designed to introduce students to concepts in the areas of chemical properties of matter, chemical reactions, transfer of energy, genetic variations, genetic research,  natural selection and how species evolve,  Earth's geological column,  rock layers and fossils, natural hazards and other geological events, natural and human-induced changes in Earth systems, and human consumption of limited resources. 

    This course encourages the interaction between content and thinking processes. Students will use the thinking process with science content to plan and conduct experiments based on observations. They will evaluate their findings and draw conclusions to explain their results.  To create a stimulating learning environment, students will work as a whole class, in small groups, cooperative groups, and individually. Students will also participate in hands-on activities to develop their inquiry skills.



    Grades will be based on a combination of tests, quizzes, projects, papers, labs, and classwork. 


    Assessments 80% (Projects, Papers, Quizzes, Unit Tests, Lab Report)

    Assessments may include multiple choice and short answers, tests, quizzes and writing assignments. Although extra credit is not offered, there will be retakes on all tests. Unannounced "Open Note" quizzes may be given at any time after any notes have been given in class. It is recommended that students bring their Chromebook, folder and spiral notebook to class every day.

    Projects will be assigned throughout the year. Some projects will be assigned and finished in class, while other projects will be required to be completed at home. Some projects may include multi-media presentations and role-playing.

    Students will be completing a variety of writing assignments throughout the year. Some assignments will be short constructed responses that will be completed during class, while other writing assignments will be longer and may need to be worked on at home and in class. 

    We will do a variety of labs in science. Some labs will be virtual, while other labs will be hands-on. Lab work includes completed lab reports and participation during the lab. Lab work will be completed during class.  If a student is absent during a hands-on lab, they will have access to lab videos located in Canvas in order to complete the assignment.

    Coursework 20% (In-Class Assignments, Exit Tickets, Checks-for-Understanding, Daily Activities)

    Students will be provided time in class to complete assignments given for the day.  If a student does not complete an assignment, they may be asked to take it home and complete it as homework.  The assignment would then be due the next day at the beginning of class.  On occasion, students will be assigned additional work to complete for homework, but this will not happen very often. Most homework assigned will be to study notes for quizzes and tests.

    Student Folder

    Students’ folders will be kept current all year. Students will be given a unit packet at the beginning of each unit that should be kept in their science folder. DO NOT throw away any science/SS papers at home. I will announce when it is time to clean it out. This announcement will usually happen at the end of a unit.

    Absences and Make-Up Work

    It is the student’s responsibility to ask Mrs. Widen what they missed while they are out. Students have one day for each day they are absent to make up all missed assignments. Any work due the day of the absence is expected to be turned in the day the student returns to school.  Any test given the day of the student’s absence can be given to the student the day he or she returns to school.