• I hold high expectations for all of my students, but also know that each child operates differently.  While I have a general set of rules for the classroom, student behavior is handled individually, depending on student needs.  My goal is to develop relationships with each child and reward their positive behavior choices.  When mistakes are made, warnings are given.  Sometimes, a Think Sheet may come home.  This simply means that your child sits down individually and discusses his or her choices, and is given time to reflect.  

    Positive Rewards:
    *PAW-sitive Referrals, Coyote Code tickets, Golden Ticket - These are school-wide incentives
    *DOJO points - traded in for classroom coupons
    *Teamwork chips - table group with the most chips at the end of the month gets to eat lunch in the classroom!
    *As a class, we set goals for a targeted behavior we want to improve. We will vote on a fun thing to do as a class to celebrate meeting our goal.